Sunday, November 19, 2006

Discovering with SOHO: STEREO

In October this year we received some meteorite samples from Neatherd High School and Dereham 6th Form College Astronomy Club, Norfolk, UK. The Club also sent us the second edition of 'Meteorites' published by The Natural History Museum of the UK along with some astronomy posters.
This same school has a great website and has recently added a section about Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) spacecraft. Visit

This text from NASA's official site for STEREO:
STEREO (Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory) is the third mission in NASA's
Solar Terrestrial Probes program (STP). This two-year mission will employ two nearly identical
space-based observatories - one ahead of Earth in its orbit, the other trailing
behind - to provide the first-ever stereoscopic measurements to study the Sun
and the nature of its coronal mass ejections, or CMEs.
STEREO's scientific
objectives are to:
Understand the causes and mechanisms of coronal mass
ejection (CME) initiation.
Characterize the propagation of CMEs through the
Discover the mechanisms and sites of energetic particle
acceleration in the low corona and the interplanetary medium.
Improve the
determination of the structure of the ambient solar wind.

We hope to put an article on this in coming issues of The Astral Journal pdf ezine.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Hmm...these are the things that fly right over my head. But I do see that you are preety serious hobby keeper.

    Best of luck for all the sleepless nights...and sleepy days.....

    Keep it on, I would love to hear that they have named a planet or a comet after you. Also, may you find little green men


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